Come Back From Burnout

Simply put, burnout occurs when we are constantly expected to do more than what we are humanly capable of, both personally and professionally. It can also occur when we are stuck in an unhealthy relationship or work scenario that drains us of our energy and joy for life.

Typical symptoms of burnout include complete exhaustion, feeling totally overwhelmed and unable to cope with anything life throws at you, an inability to function normally, rollercoaster emotions, constant negative or cynical thoughts, depression, and in severe cases, even suicidal thoughts. It is thus a serious condition that can lead to a league of medical conditions. 

Our Come Back From Burnout course will empower you to break free from the claws of this debilitating condition, teach you to accomplish work-life balance and equip you with the emotional tools you need to prevent future burnout.  
  • Who should attend?

    Anyone who’s exhausted to their very core and feels inadequate and unable to cope with life, work and all its demands.

  • Content outline

    The content of this course includes but is not necessarily limited to:

    • The definition of burnout
    • What causes burnout
    • Symptoms and signs of burnout
    • The mental and medical impact of burnout
    • Get help and recover 
    • How to prevent future burnout

  • Course material
    • Access to an online personality type assessment, usually completed in advance
    • The Four-Colour Temperament Model© workbook
    • A 25% discount voucher for any of Lynette Beer’s books
  • Duration

    The length of our courses are customised to customer demand. 

  • Other important info

    This course can be presented nationwide, at a venue of choice.

Burnout Inspiration

Are you a frog in hot or cold water?
By Lynette Beer 18 Feb, 2021
Stress is not always bad. Sometimes we need to be challenged to grow or to take a leap out of our comfort zones.
By Lynette Beer 08 Jul, 2019
Die lewe is mos maar soms vol komplikasies. Net sodra jy dink jy het dinge onder beheer, dan gebeur daar iets anders en alles is weer deurmekaar. Ken jy daardie gevoel?
By Lynette Beer 04 Jul, 2019
“Ek wens ek het so baie arms soos ‘n seekat gehad, dan kon ek alles tegelyk doen”
By Lynette Beer 12 Jun, 2019
Learn from the thousands of Comrades Marathon athletes. Keep going. Never give up on your dream. You might not make it the first time, but make sure you get up and start to prepare for the next time.
By Lynette Beer 25 Apr, 2019
Elke mens het ruimte nodig waarbinne hulle vrylik kan asemhaal en hulself kan wees. Presies hoeveel ruimte nodig is, verskil van mens tot mens.
By Lynette Beer 27 Feb, 2019
Life in the 21st Century is not always that easy. There are a lot of demands on your time, energy levels and mental ability daily.
By Lynette Beer 09 Mar, 2018
Burnout is not a simple result of long hours. The cynicism, depression, and lethargy of burnout can occur when you're not in control of how you carry out your job when you're working toward goals that don't resonate with you, and when you lack social support.
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